Northumbria Youth Action (NYA)
NYA delivers Motor Vehicle, Hair & Beauty, Hospitality, and other training to young people aged 14 and upwards.

So whether you are still at school or have left school, we have a course or programme that can help you get started.
NYA Learners
Do any of these sound like you …
- keen to learn in a practical work-related environment?
- looking to learn a motor vehicle trade? Hair and Beauty skills? Or Hospitality?
- undecided about the kind of job or training you want to do?
- not getting the most from the school subjects you are studying?
If they do, then we can help.

NYA has a purpose-built garage and hair salon, workshop, offices and training rooms at North Tyneside’s Youth Village. Our highly-skilled trades professionals will teach you a motor trade to a high standard using modern garage equipment. Our education professionals will help you to succeed by working with you to plan progress and celebrate what you achieve
Contact Us if you have a question or want more information.