Northumbria Youth Action Privacy Statement
NYA collects data about its service users for two reasons.
1. To assist in the teaching and safety of learners. This data includes referral information provided by schools, local authorities and the Connexions service, assessment of preferred learning styles, assessment of English and mathematics levels, records of previous achievements, records of progress reviews, records of disciplinary actions, commendations and details of emergency contacts.
2. To meet the requirements of funders. This data includes induction materials, date of birth, address, home telephone number, contact details for next of kin, national insurance numbers, dates of attendance, work files and progress records, records of declared learning difficulties,
NYA shares information only with:
For pre-16 learners – with the learner, his/her parents/guardian and the funding school or local authority.
For post-16 learners – with the learner, his/her parents/guardian and the funding agency.
NYA stores hard copy data securely in a locked room and access is restricted to staff. Data stored on computers is password protected and restricted. When data must be sent to parents/guardians, schools/LAs or funders, it is encrypted or password protected.
The above information is explained to all learners at their induction and they are asked to sign a document agreeing to information being passed to the relevant parties listed above. They are also told that they can have access to their own information at any time. Any requests by other organisations, for access, will be dealt with individually and the learners permission sought.
NOTE: Any queries regarding this privacy statement or concerns about data collection, storage and sharing can be raised with Mike Johnson – NYA’s Data protection Officer by emailing